Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's blooming this week in Portland

Peonies! I drove past a house in my neighborhood the other day and caught sight of these gorgeous blooms at 35 MPH! Took my camera back today and met Karen, the mistress of the peonies. I have seen red, white and pink varieties, but never this sort of salmon-y color. Karen tells me this one is called "Hawaii". The blooms are about the size of a dinner plate!

Peonies are perennials that love sun here in the northwest, but need some cover in warmer climates. It's a good idea to stake the plants as they grow, or the heavy blooms will tip the branches to the ground. Don't plant them too deep...the "eyes" of the bulb like to be only about 2" below the soil. And they don't like to be moved once established. A bit high maintenance perhaps, but totally worth it!

1 comment:

JustJoan said...

Beautiful! Mine have not opened yet, but any minute they will.
Yucky rain today, hope it clears for the weekend.